Thursday, December 9, 2010

Summary Post C4K November and December 5th

C4K#8     The first student I was assigned to comment on their blog was Jackie.  Jackie is a first grade student and she in Mrs. Cassidy's class in Moose Jaw, Canada.  She recorded herself reading the book "Under the Ground" on vocaroo.  I think the book might be by Pascale De Bourgoing but I am not positive.  She did a wonderful job at reading this book.  She spoke clearly and slowly  it was easy to understand what she was saying.  I think it is great that students are using websites like vocaroo.  It is a great start at showing them to the world of technology.  It is going to be amazing to see how advanced they are with technology when they become my age.

schoolC4K#9     Basam is a 6th grade student of Mrs. Gaudet's at Lawfield Elementary School in Hamilton, ON.  Basam writes in the his blog about being scared when he first came to Canada because he did not know English.  He said he was also scared to go to a new school because he wasn't sure if he would make friends.  Well he said after three days he made friends and they helped him out with math!  I am so glad to hear that students are willing to help other students with their schoolwork.  It is important for us to encourage students to make friendships with people they do not really know in their grade.  It is also good to encourage them to help others with their school work if they are able to.  I am so glad they made him feel welcomed and they started a new friendship!

roman roadsC4K#10     Simon is a student of Miss Byrnes.  In his blog he talked about how he read about Rome's transportation, travel, and trade.  He said they have networks of roads and they suppressed the pirates.  He said that this was like a game he plays called Rome:Total War.  I told him that my brother plays that game and I would have to give it a try next time he is on it.  He asked the question "when where the roads built and how did people know how far away they are from their destination.  I think it is great the students are not just learning what is given to them.  He is taking in his own hands and wants to further his education.  I would have found the answers to these questions but another person had already answered it for him.  I want to encourage students to think out of the box and ask more questions about what they are learning.
sportsC4K#11     For the last students blog I commented on Trace's blog.  Trace is in the 2nd grade in Mrs. Huebners class.  He had a short blog post and it said, "What is your favorite basketball team?  His favorite basketball team is the Nuggets.  I told him that I do not really watch basketball but I am a big Alabama football fan!  I am glad that students are interested in sports.  It is good for them to get out and exercise.  There are too many children staying inside playing video games.  Hopefully more children will become more involved in sports then video games.

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