Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Summary Post C4T Teacher # 2

   I was assigned Ira David Sokol at  He posted a youtube video about a guy name Joel Burns.  He was speaking out to everyone and was telling gay children that "It gets better".  The video was very sad to watch but very informing.  He told several stories about children being bullied and how they took their own life because of the pain the endured.  That just breaks my heart that someone can make someone else feel so bad that feel like they have no choice but to take their life.
    This needs to stop.  It is up to us to help do so.  Teachers and students can play an important role in helping to stop bullying.  If a teacher sees a child being bullied they need to stop it.  If other children see others being bullied they need to tell their teacher or someone of higher authority.  Burns wanted these children that are being bullied to know that "It does get better".  He wants them to know how important they are in the world and that they can do anything.  This was a very inspiring video to watch.  It really made me think of how just one person can possibly save a child's life.

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