Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog Post # 12

Watch the following short video and respond to why you think it is or is not important for schools to switch from chalk boards to SMARTboards.  Do you think it is fair that some students get to learn with it while other do not?  Do you think the children are going to be as technologically advanced as they need to be? 

smartboardThis is a very cute a funny video about chalkboards versus SMARTboards.  I am all for the SMARTboards and think they are awesome!  I have used a SMARTboard several times.  Once was to practice teaching a lesson in my Aunt's classroom and I also used it in my EDM310 and Art class.  The SMARTboard allows teachers to upload endless amounts of important information for their students.  They do not have to waste their time and class time by writing all these facts out on the board.  The SMARTboard allows the teacher to upload photos and formulas for their students to see.  Do you remember being in class and your teacher  trying to show you something by drawing it on the board but it does not do the picture justice?  I do not think SMARTboards are hurting us in anyway.  I think what is hurting us is that not all students can learn from a SMARTboard.  I do think that students who learn from a chalkboard are not as technologically advanced as students who learned from the SMARTboard.  I do not think it is fair and hopefully their will be funds to provide them in all classrooms one day.

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