Sunday, November 7, 2010

Summary Post C4T Teacher # 3

     I was assigned Dianne Krauss and her posts are on Daily Discoveries.  The first post I commented on was 10 Things to Do When You Only Have 5 Minutes Left in  There were many ideas that you can use to keep your student's busy but still keep them learning.  There was a fun game to do with your kids called, The toilet paper game.  The teacher tells the students to pick 1-5 pieces of toilet paper.  Then however many they picked is the number of facts the students tell on what they learned that day.  As you play you can throw the rules off a little bit to throw them off so they are not always picking 1 piece of toilet paper.
     Dianne also posted about a website called DigitialWish.  This website helps teachers to be able to get technology they need for their classroom.  Teacher's can make a wish list and post their stories.  People are allowed to donate them money so they are about to get what they need.  Also on this website you can find tons of different lesson plans.  I am going to be a Special Education teacher so I decided to view some of the special needs lessons to get an idea of what I may be teaching one day.  Great website and opportunities for teachers to get the technology they may have never got.

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